Chiropractic Care for Lifetime Wellness
Chiropractors recognize that misalignment in the spine can interfere with proper nervous system function. More specifically, chiropractors study the effects of vertebral subluxations – conditions of the spine where alignment and/or movement patterns of the vertebrae are abnormal. When this occurs, imbalances cause irritation and inflammation leading to interference with information transmitted along nerves and spinal cord. Chiropractors are the only health care professionals specifically trained to locate and correct spinal subluxations, making chiropractic a therapy with an emphasis on whole body health and wellness.
Benefits of Chiropractic Care
- Healthier kids
- Healthier adults
- Healthier moms
- Healthier seniors
- Improved posture
- Counteract the effects of gravity
- Stop or slow spinal degeneration
- Improved spinal structure
- Slows the aging process
- Makes spinal discs healthier
- Makes you feel great
- Improved overall health
- More energy
- Improved athletic performance
- Allow for better sleep
- Better mobility
- Relief from pain
- Prevent many surgeries
- Better productivity at work
- Spend less on health care expenses
- Relieve stress
- Prevent many health problems
- Relieve tension
- Better immune system function
- More vitality
- Easier to breathe
- Improved digestive function
- Clearer/better/sharper vision
- Improved circulation
- Less ringing in the ears
- Improve Acne/eczema
- Relief from Dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation)
- Asthma/allergies improved
We have seen many miracles in our office, and we would love to share that with you.
Please call us today (732) 530-4088 for a free consultation with Dr. Dennis.