Chiropractic Benefits Local Family

At Beyond Wellness Chiropractic, we know that chiropractic care can make a difference for the lives of the whole family. We strongly believe that a properly aligned spine can promote optimal health for people of all ages.

Laura F. has been a patient of ours for many years. She initially came in because she was experiencing extreme headaches. After an examination, Dr. Dennis informed her that a misalignment in her neck was causing her to have these headaches. Over the next 6 months, she saw Dr. Dennis once a week and experienced a significant decrease in headaches. Not only did her headaches go away, but she experienced less aches and pains in her whole body as well.

“Dr. Dennis’s adjustments make me feel generally healthier. I have more energy, I have no more aches and pains, and I do not have headaches anymore,” – Laura

Laura’s oldest son Christian used to have severe allergies. At one point, her son’s physician recommended allergy shots as a form of treatment. These shots are given over a period of time and contain small amounts of the substance to which the person is allergic. Dr. Dennis suggested a more natural approach: chiropractic care.

Laura made the decision to bring both of her sons in to get adjusted by Dr. Dennis. Christian, who is currently 12 years old, has experienced drastic improvements with his allergy symptoms.

“Dr. Dennis talked me out of giving Christian the allergy shots and suggested that I bring him in to get adjusted. Over the last year and a half, Christian’s allergy symptoms have drastically improved. In the last year, I might have given him a total of 5 allergy tablets. Prior to chiropractic care, I used to give him an allergy tablet almost every single day.” – Laura

Laura’s second son, AJ, who is currently 10 years old, practices gymnastics. Although AJ enjoys the sport, gymnastics is very hard on his body.

“Dr. Dennis’s adjustments give AJ more energy and keep his body aligned, which is what he really needs for gymnastics.” – Laura

When we asked Laura what her kids think about getting adjusted, she said they love coming to see Dr. Dennis.

“At first they were a little hesitant, but Dr. Dennis was very kind and showed them there was nothing to be afraid of. Now they absolutely love coming to the office. They fight over who will get adjusted first! I know that they feel healthier when they leave.” – Laura

For Laura and her children, chiropractic care has made a huge difference in their lives. At Beyond Wellness Chiropractic, we love sharing these positive messages because we know that chiropractic can benefit all families. If you would like to schedule a free consultation for your family, contact us today!

“I can only base my suggestions on my personal experience. I suggest chiropractic for families because I know it has made a significant difference for mine. “ – Laura.

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Dr. Dennis Hupka