Why Can’t They Figure Out What is Wrong With Me!!

Are you in pain, have Headaches/Migraines or a health condition and the Doctors are saying they can’t find anything wrong?

Are they running thousands of dollars of TESTS and not finding anything?

Are you frustrated because you know it’s not all in your head?


If you answered yes to these questions, then keep reading!!!

I want you imagine this, you are an M.D. What are the tools you would use to diagnose a disease and remedies for the health conditions that you would encounter in the office.

For example an M.D. usually runs tests to see if you have a disease (these are the tools) and if they find a disease (the remedies) they usually prescribe drugs or surgery.

But, what if you have a health issue that is not a disease where drugs or surgery is the answer?  The MD will then say there is nothing they can do for you.

For example, morning stiffness.  Imagine having issues getting out of bed in the morning.  You can’t comfortably brush your teeth, shower, or shave.  What would an MD do for this if you came into their office?  They run the tests and determine there is no disease, so there is not much they can do for you, other than, TREAT THE SYMPTOMS with a drug such as an anti-inflammatory or pain reliever.

Another example is headaches/migraines.  These debilitating frequent headaches or migraines are almost always not from a brain tumor or other disease.  When you go to your primary MD they usually send you to a specialist who is a neurologist.  The neurologist may order a brain scan and other tests.  From my experience, almost all the scans come back negative.  When the scans come back negative, they say you have migraines from an unknown origin (idiopathic) and TREAT THE SYMPTOMS with a drug like Sumatriptan.

Another example is when someone bends over and their back goes out.  The pain is so bad they cannot even stand up straight.  They try sleeping on a recliner eat pain relievers and just pray the pain goes away.  Then after a few days they are still hurting so bad they schedule an urgent care visit.  The MD may take x-rays or order a MRI.  If the x-rays or MRI don’t find a disease of the back or spine, they usually give Muscle Relaxers, Pain Killers and an Anti-Inflammatory all to TREAT THE SYMPTOMS.

If you don’t have a disease M.D’s are educated to TREAT THE SYMPTOMS, the MD is basically telling you they either don’t know what is wrong, or they can’t help your condition.  They are hoping that by treating the symptoms for a period of time, they can buy you some time giving your body time to heal or self correct itself to the point that the issue will resolve on its own.

The problem with this line of thinking is, if the condition came on from stress, poor posture, sitting at a desk all day,  lifting and moving supplies around, or was from an old injury that never healed correctly.  There is little a MD can do UNTIL your condition deteriorates to the point to where this is now a disease or problem so bad that you know “qualify” for them to prescribe a drug or perform a surgery.

Do you really want to wait until your condition gets that bad?

Think about all that time that passes between the issue starting and it becoming so bad you need surgery or more invasive treatments?

This is where our office may be able to help.

Many people do not know that the reason the chiropractor concentrates on the spine, is not because that’s how we fix back pain.  It’s because your spinal cord and the miles of nerves that exit the spine that connect every cell in your body to your brain run through the spine.

The spine is composed of 24 movable bones that must line up and move nearly perfectly for your nervous system to be able to function optimally.  When the spine is not aligned properly or when it is not moving properly it can irritate or compress a nerve or multiple nerves causing; pain, problems with organs and muscle spasms or weakness.

This is so important to understand because many people call the chiropractor after the MD runs all the tests and says they don’t see a disease and send them home with a bottle of pills.  The pills just TREAT THE SYMPTOMS.

I on the other hand look for these misalignments of the spine which is called a subluxation.  These subluxations can prevent the body from healing or functioning properly, just like a splinter in your finger will keep hurting every time you bump it.  Your finger will not get better and in fact many times will continue to get worse, if you do not remove the splinter.

There is a massive difference between having a disease and having a problem because your body is not functioning optimally.  Let me explain using migraines as an example.  When someone goes to the MD, like I said earlier they get brain scans and tests, and almost always the tests come back negative.  They usually give a drug called Sumatriptan.  Not many people actually look up what this drug does….  It affects a certain natural substance (serotonin) that causes narrowing of blood vessels in the brain.   If the drug affects the blood vessels in the brain, I would ask why are the blood vessels malfunctioning?

There is a wealth of research that shows that a subluxation of the neck can effect blood flow to the brain.  When your neck is out of alignment, the blood vessels of the brain may not be functioning properly.

There are 2 options you can choose.  Take a drug like Sumatriptan and TREAT THE SYMPTOMS or get checked for subluxation.  If I find a subluxation, adjustments allow the body to make the changes it needs to.  Removing a subluxation is like removing the splinter…

If you are not getting the answers you are looking for, maybe your asking the wrong doctors.  I never mind if you get checked to make sure you do not have a disease that needs to be treated by an M.D.  When the results come back negative or your condition is not bad enough for them to do anything but TREAT THE SYMPTOMS, you should be looking elsewhere.

I am always here to help, and would love nothing more than to discuss this further with you.  Please schedule an appointment and we can discuss your condition and check you for subluxation and REMOVE THE SPLINTER!!!